I am an applied micro-economist with research interests in labour economics, urban economics and local economic development. My recent work focuses on sorting and agglomeration economies within cities; labour market effects of public sector worker relocations (both in the UK and Germany); the local impact of urban regeneration policies; differences in consumption patterns across UK cities; staff turnover and hospital productivity in the NHS.

I am currently a Reader in Economics, Department of Economics, at  City St George's, University of London and a Visiting Fellow at LSE Health

News and Updates

08/01/2025: Presentation of the article titled: "Outside Wage Dynamics, Turnover and Hospital Performance - Evidence from the English NHS" at the UKHESG at the Winter 2025 meeting in Bristol

03/01/2025: Article titled: "Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government move" accepted for publication in Regional Science and Urban Economics. [open access]

20/11/2024: New working paper on "Spatial wage disparities within cities: Sorting and agglomeration economies" with Clément Bosquet. [online appendix]

08/11/2024: Presentation of the article titled: "Spatial Wage Disparities withing Cities: Sorting and Agglomeration Economies" at the Regional Science Association Winter Meeting 2024. [PowerPoint slides]

02/10/2024: Presentation of the article titled: "Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government move" at the University of Reading. [Slides]

19/09/2024: co-organised the 2nd City St George's/RHUL Workshop on Family and Health Economics (with Professor Dan Anderberg and Dr Lena Hassani-Nezhad). Keynote speaker: Professor Monica Costa Dias. [agenda]