I am an applied micro-economist with research interests in labour economics, urban economics and local economic development. My recent work unearths: co-agglomeration patterns of manufacturing industries in the UK and their link to agglomeration economies; labour market effects of public sector worker relocations (both in the UK and Germany); the local impact of urban regeneration policies; differences in consumption patterns across UK cities.
I am currently a Reader in Economics, Department of Economics, at City, University of London and a Visiting Fellow at LSE Health.
News and Updates
03/11/2022: Presentation of my work on BIDs and crime at the National BIDs Conference 2022 [PowerPoint slides].
09/06/2022: New version of the paper on "The Impact of Business Improvement Districts on Crime" published as City, University of London Discussion Paper 22/03.
17/03/2022: New version of the paper on "The Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government move" is available here.
15/10/2021: I presented a research paper on "The Impact of Business Improvement Districts on Crime" at the 15th North American Meeting of the Urban Economic Association.
23/03/2021: I was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph for a piece titled ‘Forcing BBC and Treasury staff north won't break London's hold on Britain’ about my research on public sector relocation.
06/03/2021: my work on public sector relocation (with reference to the 2019 article published in the Journal of Urban Economics) was mentioned in The Economist.
09/07/2020: I disseminated the findings of my research note (written jointly with Franco Peracchi) at an online event on “Covid-19 and the economy: looking back and thinking ahead” organized by my department.
23/06/2020: A research note (with Franco Peracchi, Georgetown University) on “The Covid-19 epidemic in the UK” (medRxiv preprint) attracted significant media attention. It was mentioned in 51 national and regional newspapers (story lead for 8) including The Times, The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and Daily Star.