I am an applied micro-economist with research interests in labour economics, urban economics and local economic development. My recent work unearths: sorting and agglomeration economies within cities; labour market effects of public sector worker relocations (both in the UK and Germany); the local impact of urban regeneration policies; differences in consumption patterns across UK cities.

I am currently a Reader in Economics, Department of Economics, at  City St George's, University of London and a Visiting Fellow at LSE Health

News and Updates

21/09/2024: New working paper on "Spatial wage disparities within cities: Sorting and agglomeration economies " with Clément Bosquet.

19/09/2024: co-organiser of the 2nd City St George's/RHUL Workshop on Family and Health Economics (with Professor Dan Anderberg and Dr Lena Hassani-Nezhad). Keynote speaker: Professor Monica Costa Dias. [agenda]

16/09/2024: New version of the paper on the "Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government move" is available here. [article] [online appendices]

18/04/2024: Presentation of my work on the "Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government move" at LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences) Economics Department

06/07/2023: co-organised the workshop on "Business Crime Reduction Partnerships: Working together to create safer places to live, work and shop", together with Emmeline Taylor, Chair (BCRP National Standards Board) and Professor (City, University of London)  and Patrick Holdaway, Superintendent (National Business Crime Centre). The event was held at City, University of London. [agenda]

05/05/2023: Presentation of my work on BIDs and crime at the 12th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association held at Bocconi University, Italy.

25/09/2023: co-organiser of the 1st City/RHUL Workshop on Family and Health Economics (with Professor Dan Anderberg and Dr Lena Hassani-Nezhad). Kenote speakers: Professors Gabriella Conti and Sonia Balothra. [agenda]